About us

About us

The Dedalus project started in 2004 from the idea of two friends who wanted to "make something" out of their skills in software development and IT services.
Both of them were employed in two different types of business companies: they couldn't express their potential, doing a boring  job... every boring day ... every boring month ...  boring year after boring year, watching  the digital world growing day by day from the window, perceiving the incoming changes of times without the possibility to be part of them...until...

...One day they decided to change their lives and follow their dreams to become actors of the new incoming era, the digital revolution, and Dedalus came true.

Today we are a dynamic, enthusiastic and skilled team, built by dynamic, enthusiastic, skilled guys who don't fear hard work and consider every new task as a challenge to win.
We seek perfection and don't accept anything less!  Our software must be developed exactly as it has been designed, perfect in every functionality, it must fully satisfy our customer or it will never be released.

This is our mission, our way to be: coding for passion, it has been so from the beginning of our journey, and it will be so for many other years..